
  • Jul-Sep 2024 | make your own blinkies!

Dear Alice is taking over my life

It's currently 4 weeks into the airspan of Made In Korea and I'm completely in love with Dear Alice. Of course, I expected this with how boy-centric I am, so I'm not at all surprised. What I am surprised about is how many songs they have already; 4, with 2 more likely to come in the remaining 2 episodes. I haven't watched the 4th episode yet as the Australian service it's on gets it a day late (which is this afternoon), only the short on instagram with the new song. I really didn't think that they'd showcase a different song for each episode I am being fed so well! All 3 of the last ones have been stuck in my head all the time, Life is a Movie the most as it's the most complete with the mini-music video. I just wish time would speed up so they can release the music already. I said I thought James would be my fav but honestly Dexter is looking to be exactly my type, though I think I'm in love with all of them no matter who comes on top. They are really well put together as a group too, I love seeing them work together in the show.

Aside from them, Spring is here! Where I live in particular typically gets a fake spring period where it gets warmer and then goes back to cold again for a bit, but it hasn't happened this year it seems. I've started preparing our veggie patch for planting :). Also, I said I would do weekly OTH reviews in the review section but. I'm giving up already. It didn't spark as much joy as I thought it would and it pretty quickly became a chore and a pain. I should probably think before I do these things. I probably do one off reviews of stuff at some point, probably of music albums.

Speaking of music, I've started to try and listen more to what's popular at the moment. It's good to find more music I like and also to keep up with what's mainstream and popular. I quite like Post Malone's new album, a bit of Sabrina Carpenter popular stuff, going back a bit Charli XCX's BRAT (obviously, it's a great album), and a bunch of one-off hits here and there. Tinashe's Quantum Baby I've really loved, which also got me into her previous album BB/ANGEL, and looking at her recent work I'm surprised she's not a super big name. That's all that been going on for me this past month.

- Canthea, 8th Sep 2024


Totally didn't forget to put anything on here for like half a month. Ignore the gap.

I'm returned to school (not really, it's more of a tertiary training place but I call it school bc it's easier) after the break, of which I have to get up at 7am 3 days a week for, and as you could probably tell by the title, I HATE doing so. I'm a morning person and get up at 5 or 6 each morning, but its always freezing cold in the winter, and I can barely handle it. Sometimes my heater works and its warm but thats only really a quarter of the time, not that it matters much on school days as I have to leave the house anyway and walk to school. My hands always go numb even with gloves on, which just makes it worse.

That being said I am enjoying school. I had a 5 week break, and with no job or anything else to do it gets boring fast, so even if its only 3 days a week it keeps me busy enough. I also have to think about actually getting a job as recently I've been somewhat choked finacially, I still live off my parents for a moment but I can't even do the occasional activity with my friends (they're out bowling right now but I must save my little amount of money for a trip to Sydeny I'm taking in September :'().

Something else I must talk about because I'm super duper excited for it, a new boygroup Dear Alice! They've just been annouced at the start of the month, and they're being produced by SM Entertainment, one of the big K-pop companies. I only just got into K-pop recently about a year ago for RIIZE, another one of SM's boygroups, aside from that though I haven't had much interest in other groups (most of the groups just aren't the right genre of both music and men I'm into, if that makes sense). The big thing with this group though is that they're actually an english group! Looking at them, they're already extremely well trained both in perfomance and media (something most other english boy groups I've seen seem to lack), and I would even bet on them being good enough to be the next One Direction (not that I am a OD fan), which I hope comes true so I'll be able to obesess over a current group and not a past one by living vicariously in the past via old youtube videos and music (I love you Jonas Brothers but I crave present-day). They'll be semi-debuting on the 17th (2am on the 18th here in Australia, and only a week away!) with a show about their training boot camp in Korea, which I can't wait for! I can already tell James will be my bias (never used k-pop lingo before I hope thats right). God I use so many brackets.

- Canthea, 10th Aug 2024

Guestbook + Shrine Page

Added a guestbook in the About box so you can sign and show you've been here! Also got the Shrine section of the page up, its just sort of a seperate part for the gay stuff and not really a whole shrine, but I can't find a better word at the moment. I tried to update the about me and make it better but I simply can't get something better than what's there already, I'll probably try again in a day or two.

- Canthea, 21st Jul 2024

Website and its the same but there's more so it's not

Added two more tabs to the Nav Bar, a Shrines section and a Reviews section. The reviews is for reviewing all the stuff I watch, play, listen to, e.t.c, or maybe just talking about them in general. The shrines link just goes back here for the time being, It'll probably be either seperate pages for each of the characters I like or just another side of the blog particularly for talking about the guys I like. Likely the later because I'm too lazy to make whole pages from them. I've already started my One Tree Hill review in the reviews section because I love that show. As well as that, I've added some blinkies to the site because they're cool, they'll probably grow over time. Also entirely irrevelent but note the brat reference in the title of this post. Hehe.

- Canthea, 18th Jul 2024

Cool Thing

Look at this! I can speak in FNAF!!

- Canthea, 17th Jul 2024

Second Post!

Huh, fixing the issue of the boxes was easier than I thought it would be. I just left it for the day and got the idea instantly upon waking up this morning; I just needed to put the boxes under a div with the flex property instead of having the box have the flex property. I've also updated the background of the site and the boxes with some pixel art I made. I tried searching for backgrounds on the web I could use, but I couldn't find anything good so I just made my own. I think it looks quite nice, might change it in the future but it'll definetly stay for a while at least.

Also, today is somewhat of a special day (aside from the 1 day anniversary of this blog), being the 10th anniversary of a game series I love, the Idolm@ster SideM, so happy anniversay! Its sort of been crashing and burning over the last year, so I really hope they can turn it around with the livestream they're holding this afternoon, and hopefully annouce another game considering they killed off the last one for no good reason. I need more content of my favorite guy Ryu Kimura or I might consider just dying :).

Anyway, back to further building my website, I shall have to add a footer (absolutely clueless what to put there) and perhaps change the header to a cooler font or making one of the those interesting GIFs for it. See you again once I get that done! - Canthea, 17th Jul 2024

Hello World!

The title of this post is a historic phrase, associated with the first step of mankind into the world of computers and coding. So thats why I've used it for the title of my first post on here. I've made this whole setup from the ground up in about 4 hours of watching and reading tutorials, learning the basics of HTML and CSS (these side-by-side boxes were most of that time; WHY MUST YOU BE SO HARD?) and how to format this website. While it was a bit hard, I'm still happy with the result; sure, it's simple and not much, but it feels nice to have it be completely my own.

Anyway, as of writing this I still haven't completed the site; I have no clue how to add more boxes for further entries in this blog so that'll be fun (and perhaps another hour of my time at the rate I'm going at). I also need to bedazzle up the site with a better background and colours, and probably tweak a couple things around to make it look better.

For what's to come, I'll make posts when I feel like it and about whatever I like. I've just started watching season 3 of One Tree Hill and I'm loving it to death, so I think I'll make mini-reviews of each episode I watch weekly (even if its 20 years old, I'm starting 3 seasons in, and nobody wants to hear about it). Of course, I'll countinue working on this website as well to make it more interesting over the coming week, though expect weird formatting and errors all 'round the place because of that.

- Canthea, 16th Jul 2024

About Me

Muahahahahaha... Welcome to my evil lair... AKA my personnal blog. I'm Canthea, I'm 18 years old, and I wanted to escape the bleak capitalist hell of the modern internet so I started from stratch here. Expect me to post anything and everything about my life and interests, such as;

  • The games I like, typically story-focused games like Final Fantasy or Persona,
  • Personal reviews of whatever TV shows I'm watching at the moment, like One Tree Hill,
  • Botanical knowledge I find interesting enough to share; I can't resist a good plant,
  • My very big gay love of men (fictional and real) because I never stop thinking about them,
  • And whatever else comes to mind!

Expect weird formatting, I'm still learning how to use HTML and CSS, aside from that I hope you have a fun time reading here! And feel free to sign my guestbook: