

One Tree Hill S3 Ep1&2 Review

My first ever review on here! I started this section of my blog particularly for One Tree Hill, just because I have so much thoughts about it watching it for the first time. It's easily become my favorite show (quick review on season 1 and 2: both amazing). I'm just gonna get straight into it because I have no idea what else to write here (beware spoilers!).

Coming from season 2, I was very excited to start the third season. The finale that came before was great; the first half excellently showing how each character has developed and their view on what they've experinced, and the second setting up what is to come next. That being said, the one thing I didn't fully like about it at the time was Peyton's mother getting introduced, as I thought it felt a bit forced, but I'll get back to that later. Regardless, I was looking forward to countinuing it a lot (past tense makes it sound like it was ages ago, alas it was but a week).

As of writing this, I've watched the first two episodes, and for most part it's just as great as it was before. I loved Nathan's character in s2 (okay perhap I just have a thing for really faithful guys), and his and Haley's development here feels like a perfect and natural step in it. It countinues to tug on my heartstrings the same as it did before. Back to Peyton, while I thought her mother coming in at first was weird, it's developing perfectly so far. Thinking about her character, she still has all the emotion and weight of the situation with Jake on her mind, and though she should be broody and sad about it, with another source of stress on her it makes sense she'd take it out on the people around her to cope with it.

In the first episode, I didn't really like how they made Brooke act, but at least from the second one they toned down the overly mean and jerky quality to her, which is what I didn't like about it. She still has changed; being reminded of her past relationship with Lucas, her current living situation and how her parents could take it away at any moment and force her to move away, she feels like she's not in control anymore, and so she turns to her past ways to cope, but the super mean part took it a little far.

Finally, Lucas is the only character I have some gripes with. In the whole of s1 and s2, a big part of his character is the concept of good and bad; he trys his best to be a good person, and yet the outcome often has him unintenially hurting someone close to him. I like this, but having him try to murder someone just isn't the best way to further it. I still think it could be fixed, perhap if he wasn't the one behind it and only threw the match or simply was there, knew Dan might die, and didn't try to save him thinking about what he's done. I think this still isn't the worst way to further his character, but I guess it's not a great way either. At the end of the day though, It's still interesting and doesn't at all make me hate it or anything, so I don't have a problem with it really.

Ha, I was originally going to watch the third episode and put that in this review too, but this is a bit too long for that so I'll wrap it up here and make another seperate review when I watch it later. Overall, the first two episodes of season 3 has mostly felt like a natural progression of each character, which I find surprising coming from a absolute killer finale (typically the better the finale the worse the follow-up), and still stands with a unique feel. I love it, so I'll give it a 9.5/10 so far (only the Lucas stuff gives it a half-point down). I'll be doing single episode reviews from now, the only reason I did 2 in 1 is because I only just figured out how to make a website 2 days ago. Thanks for reading if you did, because I have no clue whether this whole site will even reach anyone, let alone if they'll stay and read the reviews. I'll leave with this quote used in episode 2, which I love;

'Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influences of each.' - Henry David Thoreau

- Canthea, 18th Jul 2024

OTH S3 Ep3 Review(?)

You'll notice I've put a question mark in the title of this 'review' because just 1 review in I'm starting to question whether or not these posts are actually reviews. They're more of... reactions, I would say. I think what's important isn't actually writing down how well I think a piece of media conveyed itself but more so how it made me feel, so who knows. I might change the title of this whole section to something else to convey that later. Regardless, this is more just talking about what really stuck in my mind right after watching the episode.

I think this episode did a nice return to form for the show; it goes back to its roots of a school/basketball-based show, the friendship between Lucas and Haley, and the fact they're all still high-school students. Of course, no high-school students goes through events such as intense and impactful as the cast of this show has, but to be fair if they tried to restrict themselves to what normal high-school students really experince then it would be plain and boring so I can't complain. It's good to know I was right about the Lucas not actually trying to murder Dan predication I made in the last post (literally this morning its been only a couple of hours), which essentially removes the only complaint I had.

And Oh My God. Haley and Nathan countinue to make this show a rollercoaster for my heart. The moment Nathan said divorce I almost cried. I'm rooting for them so hard, and I know they'll almost certainly get back together and be the same again like they were before but that doesn't matter, the journey still hurts (In a good, slightly masochistic sort of way). Brooke and Lucas' relationship is developing faster than I thought it would, which was that Brooke would countinue to lead him on and not let herself get attached, and I'm not disappointed, yet again it feels as natural as I think it can get. And Peyton's stuff is more of the same, though I don't believe for a second Ellie's words about cancer. But this show countinues to affirm why it belongs in my spot for favorite show it just has a way of spitting out good episodes again and again and again.

Just another thing I wanted to touch on, I love the music choices in this show. It really matches the vibe (or more of makes it) the series gives off. I just searched up what music was in this episode and apparently it aired on my exact day of birth, October 19 2005, which is pretty funny because its technically the first episode I've decided to review/react to on here (the last two deciding after I watched them and only to start at the start of the season). Just a neat little thing.

- Canthea, 18th Jul 2024


I don't have too much to say for this episode. I was spoiled for Chris returning and kissing Haley in the Batman suit (thanks Frequently Asked Questions section on google...) but I thought it would be way later in the season, so it's good it happened earlier to not have major spoilers in my mind. I hate Chris so this certainly spices things up already, and I can't wait to see how he comes in further. As I said, I really don't have much to say other than I liked this episode, it was fun to see all the characters dress up and their choices. That's pretty much it.

- Canthea, 25th Jul 2024

About Me

Muahahahahaha... Welcome to my evil lair... AKA my personnal blog. I'm Canthea, I'm 18 years old, and I wanted to escape the bleak capitalist hell of the modern internet so I started from stratch here. Expect me to post anything and everything about my life and interests, such as;

  • The games I like, typically story-focused games like Final Fantasy or Persona,
  • Personal reviews of whatever TV shows I'm watching at the moment, like One Tree Hill,
  • Botanical knowledge I find interesting enough to share; I can't resist a good plant,
  • My very big gay love of men (fictional and real) because I never stop thinking about them,
  • And whatever else comes to mind!

Expect weird formatting, I'm still learning how to use HTML and CSS, aside from that I hope you have a fun time reading here! And feel free to sign my guestbook: